Happy Feet 150
First used in 2007 World Championships winning All-Star
50% more beans in the bag to provide more support, a more solid feel, and easier to shape perfectly to your feet! Replace your original Happy Feet if you are not maxing out the size of the kayak (super tall or big-footed boaters that just fit in the boat should stick with the original Happy Feet).
What will this accessory do for you? It will make your feet happy! Cramped, unsupported feet are a thing of the past. Tighten up or loosen up while sitting in your kayak with a simple pump bulb, and if you read the directions on the back, you can make the perfect foot pockets or bulkhead shape in about 60 seconds and it will be set up perfectly every time you get in your boat from then on.
Happy feet = Happy face = smiles and more fun.
Check out the 2007 JK promo DVD (Jackson University section) for a visual demonstration on how to use this product.
Size: Large (boats under 8')
What size Happy Feet Footbag do you need?
You will need to remove the existing footbrace from your kayak. Once you do that, how much footroom do you have? If there is not much wiggle room around your feet, get the small footbag. If you do have some space, go for the large. If you are having trouble deciding, you can always get a small bag, and add minicell inside the bow of the boat to bring the bag closer to you.
Kód zboží:

Happy Feet 150
First used in 2007 World Championships winning All-Star
50% more beans in the bag to provide more support, a more solid feel, and easier to shape perfectly to your feet! Replace your original Happy Feet if you are not maxing out the size of the kayak (super tall or big-footed boaters that just fit in the boat should stick with the original Happy Feet).
What will this accessory do for you? It will make your feet happy! Cramped, unsupported feet are a thing of the past. Tighten up or loosen up while sitting in your kayak with a simple pump bulb, and if you read the directions on the back, you can make the perfect foot pockets or bulkhead shape in about 60 seconds and it will be set up perfectly every time you get in your boat from then on.
Happy feet = Happy face = smiles and more fun.
Check out the 2007 JK promo DVD (Jackson University section) for a visual demonstration on how to use this product.
Size: Large (boats under 8')
What size Happy Feet Footbag do you need?
You will need to remove the existing footbrace from your kayak. Once you do that, how much footroom do you have? If there is not much wiggle room around your feet, get the small footbag. If you do have some space, go for the large. If you are having trouble deciding, you can always get a small bag, and add minicell inside the bow of the boat to bring the bag closer to you.
Kód zboží: 24,006201

Happy Feet 150
First used in 2007 World Championships winning All-Star
50% more beans in the bag to provide more support, a more solid feel, and easier to shape perfectly to your feet! Replace your original Happy Feet if you are not maxing out the size of the kayak (super tall or big-footed boaters that just fit in the boat should stick with the original Happy Feet).
What will this accessory do for you? It will make your feet happy! Cramped, unsupported feet are a thing of the past. Tighten up or loosen up while sitting in your kayak with a simple pump bulb, and if you read the directions on the back, you can make the perfect foot pockets or bulkhead shape in about 60 seconds and it will be set up perfectly every time you get in your boat from then on.
Happy feet = Happy face = smiles and more fun.
Check out the 2007 JK promo DVD (Jackson University section) for a visual demonstration on how to use this product.
Size: Large (boats under 8')
What size Happy Feet Footbag do you need?
You will need to remove the existing footbrace from your kayak. Once you do that, how much footroom do you have? If there is not much wiggle room around your feet, get the small footbag. If you do have some space, go for the large. If you are having trouble deciding, you can always get a small bag, and add minicell inside the bow of the boat to bring the bag closer to you.
Kód zboží:

Happy Seat je nafukovací polštářek, který si vložíte pod nohy před svým sedátkem. Happy seat má dvě výhody:
- lépe udržujete stabilitu,
- vytváří větší pohodlí pro nohy a ulevuje tlaku na kolena, boky a zadek.
Happy seat má provázek k uvázání k podlaze přední části lodi a v zadní části se připojuje k sedačce pomocí Velcrových pásků. Happy seat je přesně pro Vás, pokud máte Jacksonův kajak. Avšak funguje na všechny typy lodí.
Pozor: Happy seat zabírá místo v kokpitu, ujistěte se, že nebrání opuštění lodi v případě nutnosti. Happy seat byste měli před použitím pečlivě uvázat pomocí provázku. Nepoužívejte, pokud si nejste stoprocentně jisti, že můžete lehce opustit loď.
Kód zboží:

Happy Thruster je doplněk k Happy Seat vytvořený k společnému použití. Pokud je vypuštěný, splývá Happy Thruster přes Happy Seat. Pokud je nafouknutý, je Happy Thruster na Happy Seat. Smyslem Happy Thrusteru je změnit vaši loďku v kosmickou loď. Neexistuje systém, který by vás pomocí vzduchu lépe dostával do vzduchu, než Happy Thruster. Výhodou nad ostatními systémy je, že můžete rychle regulovat množství objemu, který nafouknete do Thrusteru. Také je to měkký polštářek chránící vaši tvář a ruce před sprškami vody. Není určen k samostatnému použití.
Kód zboží:

Happy seat/Happy Thruster kombo (vyboulovač) je nezbytnost pro každého, kdo jezdí na playboatu a chce vydatně vylepšit svou jízdu.
EJ – „Vyhrál jsem letošní Světový šampionát. Happy Thruster/Seat v kombinaci s All Star je uskutečněný sen každého playboatera. Vyzkoušejte a už se bez něj neobejdete! Nepádloval jsem v playboatu bez Happy Seatu od podzimu, kdy jsem ho vynalezl. Když serfuji na vlnách, mám dost vzduchu v Happy Thrusteru na to, abych mohl předcházet každému promáčknutí špricky. A když jsem ve válci, nafouknu ho.“
Kód zboží: 24,006202

Sweet Cheeks & Sweet Cheeks 200
Make your kayak seat almost as comfortable as a new Jackson Kayak, with Boat Armor Outfitting.The Sweet Cheeks will blow you away with the immediate comfort improvements in any kayak, whitewater or flatwater. No glue needed. Simply peel and stick the Velcro hooks on the bottom of your seat, drop in the Sweet Cheeks, strap it in, so that the river can’t take it away from you.
Introducing Sweet Cheeks 200
EJ's new seating systemFirst used in 2007 World Championships winning All-Star
- 100% more beans in the seat to create .5" to 1.5" of lift in the seat
- Enjoy a deep bucket seat that holds you perfectly no matter how crazy you get!
- Gain extra padding to absorb impact for your creeker
- Gain extra leverage for wave, hole and flatwater moves in your playboy
(If you are large and don't have much room for your legs with your current seat, stick with the current Sweet Cheeks 100).
Check out the 2007 JK promo DVD (Jackson Univeristy section) for a visual demonstration on how to use this product.
EJ's Quick Set-up Guide:
- Strap it in your seat with the cloth side down to stick to the Velcro hooks.
- Sit on it, trying to position yourself perfectly over the bucket of your seat and evenly on the bag.
- Blow air into the Sweet Cheeks while sitting on it until it lifts you up 1" and then let your weight push the air out. Repeat this step 5 times.
- Suck the remaining air out of the bag (while sitting on it) and close the valve tight without letting any air back in.
- Get out and admire your perfectly molded Sweet Cheeks that match your rear end and will bring endless hours of incredible comfort to your paddling!
- HINT: You should not have ANY air in the Sweet Cheeks while paddling , and it only needs adjusting once if done right!
Designed by EJ
Black and blue Sweet Cheeks come in every 2007 Jackson boat (Classics excluded). After market (retail) Sweet Cheeks are yellow and black. Sweet Cheeks use the same nylon as the Fun Floats, Footbags and Happy Seat.
What makes Sweet Cheeks so special?
The Sweet Cheeks form fits around your rear end to make a perfect bucket seat.
No pressure points
No more sliding around on your seat.
Is your seat designed to fit your rear end perfectly? No chance. Just look at how many sizes and shapes rear ends come in. The average kayak seat is designed to fit the largest rear end that would likely fit in the boat, otherwise that kayak would be useless to those with a big rear end. The Sweet Cheeks allows your rear end to form a butt imprint down deep, creating a bucket that surrounds you in back, to the sides, and on both sides of your legs. Low spots are filled in, high spots are taken down, and all of the areas that aren’t normally supported are suddenly supported.
One of my favorite parts is that where the hip pads end the Sweet Cheeks picks up, offering side to side support perfectly. I hate leaning back in my boat and having my rear end slide forward, it is a pet peeve of mine. The Sweet Cheeks offers a 100% comfortable wedge in the front, made by your legs and crotch, that prevent slippage forward too. The other part that is huge for me, is that the back of the seat meets up with the backband in the exact right spot, so your tailbone is protected by foam, and the back of your rear end is firmly supported with the rise behind you.
How does it work?
Got to love the bean bag concept for adjustability and firm support. When you are getting into your kayak with the Sweet Cheeks for the first time, you’ll get in after you inflate it about 4 breaths worth. When you sit on it the air will rush out of the tube, while the beans rush around to find a place to go until the air is mostly out. To “lock it in” for as long as you like your setup, simply suck the remaining air out and “viola”! It is a perfectly locked down seat pad that won’t slip around on your seat. The bottom of the pad is made of Velcro hoops and it stays firmly in place on the Velcro in your kayak.
Special set-ups:
Want to be higher up in your boat- no problem. We added more beans than necessary and made it oversized so the beans have a place to go. Simply blow air in it, move the beans under your butt cheeks, and suck most of the air out before you get in the boat. Get in, wiggle around just a little to make it comfortable, suck the rest of the air out and you will find yourself 1” higher.
Want to be lower and really have a deep bucket?
Blow lots of air in it, get in and wiggle around while the air is being forced out. When the air is out, lift your butt off the seat while staying in the boat, blow two or three breaths of air in, and sit down again, wiggling around to get the beans to really form around you and move from under your butt. Do this as many times as you want until you are the height you want to be (usually don’t need to do it more than three times unless you want to be completely on the bottom.
What does is cost you to have the best seat you have ever had? $60 What is it worth? Priceless, of course.
Every 2007 Jackson Kayak (excluding Classics) comes standard with the Sweet Cheeks!
Kód zboží: 24,006203

Sweet Cheeks & Sweet Cheeks 200
Make your kayak seat almost as comfortable as a new Jackson Kayak, with Boat Armor Outfitting.The Sweet Cheeks will blow you away with the immediate comfort improvements in any kayak, whitewater or flatwater. No glue needed. Simply peel and stick the Velcro hooks on the bottom of your seat, drop in the Sweet Cheeks, strap it in, so that the river can’t take it away from you.
Introducing Sweet Cheeks 200
EJ's new seating systemFirst used in 2007 World Championships winning All-Star
- 100% more beans in the seat to create .5" to 1.5" of lift in the seat
- Enjoy a deep bucket seat that holds you perfectly no matter how crazy you get!
- Gain extra padding to absorb impact for your creeker
- Gain extra leverage for wave, hole and flatwater moves in your playboy
(If you are large and don't have much room for your legs with your current seat, stick with the current Sweet Cheeks 100).
Check out the 2007 JK promo DVD (Jackson Univeristy section) for a visual demonstration on how to use this product.
EJ's Quick Set-up Guide:
- Strap it in your seat with the cloth side down to stick to the Velcro hooks.
- Sit on it, trying to position yourself perfectly over the bucket of your seat and evenly on the bag.
- Blow air into the Sweet Cheeks while sitting on it until it lifts you up 1" and then let your weight push the air out. Repeat this step 5 times.
- Suck the remaining air out of the bag (while sitting on it) and close the valve tight without letting any air back in.
- Get out and admire your perfectly molded Sweet Cheeks that match your rear end and will bring endless hours of incredible comfort to your paddling!
- HINT: You should not have ANY air in the Sweet Cheeks while paddling , and it only needs adjusting once if done right!
Designed by EJ
Black and blue Sweet Cheeks come in every 2007 Jackson boat (Classics excluded). After market (retail) Sweet Cheeks are yellow and black. Sweet Cheeks use the same nylon as the Fun Floats, Footbags and Happy Seat.
What makes Sweet Cheeks so special?
The Sweet Cheeks form fits around your rear end to make a perfect bucket seat.
No pressure points
No more sliding around on your seat.
Is your seat designed to fit your rear end perfectly? No chance. Just look at how many sizes and shapes rear ends come in. The average kayak seat is designed to fit the largest rear end that would likely fit in the boat, otherwise that kayak would be useless to those with a big rear end. The Sweet Cheeks allows your rear end to form a butt imprint down deep, creating a bucket that surrounds you in back, to the sides, and on both sides of your legs. Low spots are filled in, high spots are taken down, and all of the areas that aren’t normally supported are suddenly supported.
One of my favorite parts is that where the hip pads end the Sweet Cheeks picks up, offering side to side support perfectly. I hate leaning back in my boat and having my rear end slide forward, it is a pet peeve of mine. The Sweet Cheeks offers a 100% comfortable wedge in the front, made by your legs and crotch, that prevent slippage forward too. The other part that is huge for me, is that the back of the seat meets up with the backband in the exact right spot, so your tailbone is protected by foam, and the back of your rear end is firmly supported with the rise behind you.
How does it work?
Got to love the bean bag concept for adjustability and firm support. When you are getting into your kayak with the Sweet Cheeks for the first time, you’ll get in after you inflate it about 4 breaths worth. When you sit on it the air will rush out of the tube, while the beans rush around to find a place to go until the air is mostly out. To “lock it in” for as long as you like your setup, simply suck the remaining air out and “viola”! It is a perfectly locked down seat pad that won’t slip around on your seat. The bottom of the pad is made of Velcro hoops and it stays firmly in place on the Velcro in your kayak.
Special set-ups:
Want to be higher up in your boat- no problem. We added more beans than necessary and made it oversized so the beans have a place to go. Simply blow air in it, move the beans under your butt cheeks, and suck most of the air out before you get in the boat. Get in, wiggle around just a little to make it comfortable, suck the rest of the air out and you will find yourself 1” higher.
Want to be lower and really have a deep bucket?
Blow lots of air in it, get in and wiggle around while the air is being forced out. When the air is out, lift your butt off the seat while staying in the boat, blow two or three breaths of air in, and sit down again, wiggling around to get the beans to really form around you and move from under your butt. Do this as many times as you want until you are the height you want to be (usually don’t need to do it more than three times unless you want to be completely on the bottom.
What does is cost you to have the best seat you have ever had? $60 What is it worth? Priceless, of course.
Every 2007 Jackson Kayak (excluding Classics) comes standard with the Sweet Cheeks!
Kód zboží:

Sweet Cheeks & Sweet Cheeks 200
Make your kayak seat almost as comfortable as a new Jackson Kayak, with Boat Armor Outfitting.The Sweet Cheeks will blow you away with the immediate comfort improvements in any kayak, whitewater or flatwater. No glue needed. Simply peel and stick the Velcro hooks on the bottom of your seat, drop in the Sweet Cheeks, strap it in, so that the river can’t take it away from you.
Introducing Sweet Cheeks 200
EJ's new seating systemFirst used in 2007 World Championships winning All-Star
- 100% more beans in the seat to create .5" to 1.5" of lift in the seat
- Enjoy a deep bucket seat that holds you perfectly no matter how crazy you get!
- Gain extra padding to absorb impact for your creeker
- Gain extra leverage for wave, hole and flatwater moves in your playboy
(If you are large and don't have much room for your legs with your current seat, stick with the current Sweet Cheeks 100).
Check out the 2007 JK promo DVD (Jackson Univeristy section) for a visual demonstration on how to use this product.
EJ's Quick Set-up Guide:
- Strap it in your seat with the cloth side down to stick to the Velcro hooks.
- Sit on it, trying to position yourself perfectly over the bucket of your seat and evenly on the bag.
- Blow air into the Sweet Cheeks while sitting on it until it lifts you up 1" and then let your weight push the air out. Repeat this step 5 times.
- Suck the remaining air out of the bag (while sitting on it) and close the valve tight without letting any air back in.
- Get out and admire your perfectly molded Sweet Cheeks that match your rear end and will bring endless hours of incredible comfort to your paddling!
- HINT: You should not have ANY air in the Sweet Cheeks while paddling , and it only needs adjusting once if done right!
Designed by EJ
Black and blue Sweet Cheeks come in every 2007 Jackson boat (Classics excluded). After market (retail) Sweet Cheeks are yellow and black. Sweet Cheeks use the same nylon as the Fun Floats, Footbags and Happy Seat.
What makes Sweet Cheeks so special?
The Sweet Cheeks form fits around your rear end to make a perfect bucket seat.
No pressure points
No more sliding around on your seat.
Is your seat designed to fit your rear end perfectly? No chance. Just look at how many sizes and shapes rear ends come in. The average kayak seat is designed to fit the largest rear end that would likely fit in the boat, otherwise that kayak would be useless to those with a big rear end. The Sweet Cheeks allows your rear end to form a butt imprint down deep, creating a bucket that surrounds you in back, to the sides, and on both sides of your legs. Low spots are filled in, high spots are taken down, and all of the areas that aren’t normally supported are suddenly supported.
One of my favorite parts is that where the hip pads end the Sweet Cheeks picks up, offering side to side support perfectly. I hate leaning back in my boat and having my rear end slide forward, it is a pet peeve of mine. The Sweet Cheeks offers a 100% comfortable wedge in the front, made by your legs and crotch, that prevent slippage forward too. The other part that is huge for me, is that the back of the seat meets up with the backband in the exact right spot, so your tailbone is protected by foam, and the back of your rear end is firmly supported with the rise behind you.
How does it work?
Got to love the bean bag concept for adjustability and firm support. When you are getting into your kayak with the Sweet Cheeks for the first time, you’ll get in after you inflate it about 4 breaths worth. When you sit on it the air will rush out of the tube, while the beans rush around to find a place to go until the air is mostly out. To “lock it in” for as long as you like your setup, simply suck the remaining air out and “viola”! It is a perfectly locked down seat pad that won’t slip around on your seat. The bottom of the pad is made of Velcro hoops and it stays firmly in place on the Velcro in your kayak.
Special set-ups:
Want to be higher up in your boat- no problem. We added more beans than necessary and made it oversized so the beans have a place to go. Simply blow air in it, move the beans under your butt cheeks, and suck most of the air out before you get in the boat. Get in, wiggle around just a little to make it comfortable, suck the rest of the air out and you will find yourself 1” higher.
Want to be lower and really have a deep bucket?
Blow lots of air in it, get in and wiggle around while the air is being forced out. When the air is out, lift your butt off the seat while staying in the boat, blow two or three breaths of air in, and sit down again, wiggling around to get the beans to really form around you and move from under your butt. Do this as many times as you want until you are the height you want to be (usually don’t need to do it more than three times unless you want to be completely on the bottom.
What does is cost you to have the best seat you have ever had? $60 What is it worth? Priceless, of course.
Every 2007 Jackson Kayak (excluding Classics) comes standard with the Sweet Cheeks!
Kód zboží:

Vyměňte své staré opěrky do lodi pomocí naší nové sady 2005 Hip Pad. Funguje na všechny druhy kajaků.
Kód zboží: 24,006204

The fun float measures 74 cm x 66 cm délka x šířka
Kód zboží: 20,006201

Kód zboží: 20,006202

Ztratili jste v řece Footbag pumpu? Žádné obavy! Máme náhradu přímo zde.
Kód zboží: 25,016201

Samolepka od Jackson kajak s průhledným pozadím se výborně hodí na helmy, pádla a okna. Rozměry jsou 4 x 11,5 cm.
Kód zboží:

12,7 cm v průměru. Výborné na vaše auta, pádla nebo přilbu, tyto nálepky JK budou vypadat dobře všude.
Kód zboží: 26,056202

61 cm x 23 cm vinyl, vyřazávaná nálepka.
Kód zboží: 26,056203

Nejefektivnější metoda, jak se naučit na kajaku eskymáka zábavnou formou. Tento program Vás nejdříve naučí jak dělat eskymácký obrat na klidné vodě. Dále vás naučí, jak vylepšit Váš eskymácký obrat, až se stanete zkušenějšími kajakáři a vyhnete se eskymování při playboating nebo sjíždění divokých řek nebo prostě chcete umět perfektně eskymáka předtím než si to vyzkoušíte v divoké vodě. EJ vytvořil program „Můžete eskymovat za patnáct minut“ a přináší Vám jej ve vizuální a verbální podobě. Tento program Vás naučí eskymovat za velmi krátkou dobu.
Kód zboží: 26,036201

Nejkomplexnější instruktážní program v historii pro procvičení dovedností ovládání kajaku ještě lépe pod značkou nové edice EJeova programu "Ukázky a návody". Je jen na Vás, zda budete sledovat celý kurs a nebo budete program sledovat ve formě "A La Carte" (po stránkách). Čeká na vás 120 minut intenzivního, avšak zábavného programu podaného přímo EJem. Neuvěřitelné obsazení kajakářů počínaje dětmi EJe (Emily a Danem) vám ukáže všechny příklady v kvalitní formě. Každá dovednost má na DVD svou vlastní kapitolu, takže si můžete najít přesně to, co hledáte. Nezapomeňte si ho vzít do práce.
Kód zboží: 26,036202

90 minut podrobné instruktáže o playboatingu od základů. Dvakrát tolik instruktáže jak v EJově Playboatingu z roku 2003. Toto DVD stojí za přidání do Vaší knihovny. Video bylo natáčeno v Ugandě na Bílém Nilu a v Zambii na Zambezi. Naučíte se postavit na klidné vodě, spinovat ve válci, surfovat na vlně, nebo první Loopy či Cartweely. Pokročilí freestylisté získávají v těchto základech nový pohled na to, co umí. Vyladí tak základy a na dobrých základech budou mnohem lépe budovat učení pokročilých triků. Film je rozdělen na čtyři části - Figury na klidné vodě, Figury ve válci, Figury na vlně a Figury při sjíždění řeky. Film byl natáčen Chrisem Emerickem. Scénář a produkce - EJ.
Kód zboží: 26,036203

90 minut výuky playboatingu pro pokročilé s dvojnásobkem triků v porovnání s rokem 2003! Ano, dožeňte čas a naučte se více zábavných triků k okořenění dne stráveného na vodě a také k ohromení svých kamarádů! Začíná se tam, kde "Základy" skončily - toto DVD poskytuje k osvojení tuny skvělých triků, starých i nových. Mnoho triků, které ještě nezvládáte, jsou jednodušší, než byste si mysleli a z DVD se dozvíte, jak na ně. Super zpomalené záběry, které vystavují detaily toho, co se odehrává, i toho, abyste vyskočili výše, otočili se rychleji a vůbec dělali větší triky než kdy před tím. Natočil a sestříhal Chris Emerick. Vyprodukoval a napsal EJ.
Kód zboží: 26,036204

Trojnásobný mistr světa ve freestyle rodeu na divoké vodě, olympionik a zakládající člen světové kajakářské federace, vás bude učit, jak si pořádně užít bezpečné sjíždění řeky. Celoživotní kajakář a mistr světa ve squirtboatingu, Clay Wright, vede nejlepší praktický bezepčnostní program všech dob, který vám má ukázat, jak se vyhnout problémům. Je to nejkomplexnější instruktážní program, ve kterém shromáždil informace o vybavení, logistice sjíždění řek, praktických bezpečnostních dovednostech a znalostech, o schopnostech sjíždět řeky a vést skupiny řekou. Naučí Vás žargon kajakářů, všech 5 hlavních jevů, se kterými se setkáte, a jak je snadno rozpoznat a použít na vaší cestě dolů po proudu tekutého dopravníku nazývaného řeka. Podíváte se na některé krásné řeky na Jihovýchodě USA, které EJ a Clay nazývají domovem. Tellico, North Chic, Chattooga, Nantahalla a Tallulah Rivers a další řeky poskytují výbornou šanci pro výcvik. Natočeno a sestříháno to celé bylo mnoha cenami oceněným kameramanem Chrisem Emerickem. Užijete si vysokou kvalitu audia, videa a v nich obsažených informací, díky kterým bude Vaše učení ještě mnohem zábavnější!
Kód zboží: 26,036205

Konečně se můžete řádně připravit na řeky obtížnosti WW 3, 4 a 5. Dříve než vyjedete! Eric Jackson, trojnásobný mistr světa ve freestyle rodeu na dioké vodě, extrémní šampión a olympijský slalomář, Vám ukáže správnou cestu jak přistupovat ke sjíždění řeky.
Kód zboží: 26,036206

Další kajakářská expedice se objevila v posledním filmu obtížnosti V, zastoupená Benem Stookesberrym. Inspirován expedicí Theodora Roosevelta po povodí River of Doubt (řeky pochybností), zobrazuje tento film prozkoumanost řek před stoletím. Začíná v šedesátimetrové rokly v pralese ve Veracruz v Mexiku; opatrně se prodírá drsnými horkými oblastmi Antioquia v Kolumbii; klesá 23 metrů na izolovanou Rio patria v Kostarice; a střetává se s ostatními zkultivovanými a masivními řekami v Arunachal Pradesh v Indii, jež je nepostradatelnou lokalitou při hledání unikátního zážitku z divoké vody.
Kód zboží: 26,036208

Nový titul od Clear H2o Films, který bude vydán 22. dubna, je The Lost World (Ztracený svět), Hotel Charley č. 3. Tento film délky celovečerního filmu ukazuje první sjezdy divokých prudce tekoucích řek na severním výběžku ostrova New Foundlandu, v extrémně odlehlých částech regionu Twang v Indii a pokusy o světové rekordy na vodopádech v centrální Brazílii. Hledání příslovečného Ztraceného světa, který leží v posledních dosud nepoznaných soutěskách světa, provádí producenti filmu a hrdinové dobrodružství National Geographic Ben Stookesberrz a Jesse Coombs. Spolu s Jessem a Benem hrají lidé stejně rozdílní, jako jsou lokace ve filmu. Od ultratalentovaných pádlerů z Team Jackson včetně Erica Jacksona, Dana Jacksona, Nicka Troutmana, Joela Kowolského, Chrise Korbulice a Darina McQuiod, kteří řádí na severu ostrova New Foundland, kde nejsou ani cesty. V nejodlehlejším cípu Indie na hranicích mezi Čínou a Bhutanem jezdí indicko-nepálský kajakář Lama Kundan.
Navíc k filmu plné délky je DVD Ztraceného světa nacpáno po špunt bonusy, včetně neuvěřitelných vícedenních expedic v jihozápadní Britské Kolumbie, Wind River Range ve Wyomingu a jižní části Skalistých hor v Coloradu.
Kód zboží: 26,036209

Tady a teď je kajakářský film, znázurňující různé kajakářské styly a různé mladé „šviháky“: Joel Kowalski, Rafael Ortiz, Dane Jackson, Evan Garcia, Jason Craig, and Nick Troutman. Velkou část roku velmi tvrdě pracovali a tvrdě si hráli, aby vytvořili film doufajíce, že Vám splní přání, dodají úsměv a hlavně představí úžasnou divokou vodu.
Sekce o jezdičích je rozseknutá do tří expedic:
Newfoundland - nejvýchodnější část severní Ameriky. Newfoundland je tvořen vysokou hrou na velmi divokých řekách.
Quebec - země s hodně vodnatými řekami, jedna z nejlepších destinací na divokou vodu na světě.
Mocná Niagára v Goergii - famózní Niagára zůstává jednou z nejdelších kontinuálních divokých vod na zemi a je nejvíce zapovězená.
Musíte vidět film s ohromnými lety, milými skoky, úžasnými průjezdy a neocenitelnými masakry!
Kód zboží: 26,036210

Nauč se jednotlivé triky (rodeové figury), nauč se závodit nebo se třeba nauč na vodě víc bavit. Tato kniha je plně barevná a zcela přeskakuje černobílé fotky.
Kód zboží: 26,026201

Jestli se učíte čtením a prohlížením obrázků, tato kniha bude pro Vás zlomová. Ukázky a návrhy nabízí program, jak se změnit a stát lepším vodákem (jezdičem), a to zcela od podlahy.
Kód zboží: 26,026202

Kajaková škola je za Vámi. Učitel odjel pádlovat. Máte nové schopnosti, ale informace o vybavení chybí? Skutečné havárie a spalující příběhy jak stříbrný medajlista mistrovství světa Bill Harris vyletěl, potopil se a zpátky znovu. Tento průvodce ukazuje novým vodákům cestu jak mít z divoké vody jen ty nejlepší zážitky. Užitečné hity ve vybavení, doporučení jak koupit, co koupit a kam jet nejdříve.
Kód zboží: 26,026203